▼NJIXIE | Copyright (c) 2016 Theodore Gast, Chuyuan Fu, Chenfanfu Jiang, Joseph Teran |
CScalarTypeHelper | |
CScalarTypeHelper< T, enable_if_t< is_arithmetic< T >::value > > | |
CGivensRotation | Class for givens rotation |
▼Np_bases | |
CLagrange | |
CReferenceSimplex | |
▼Npolyfem | |
►Nassembler | Used for test only |
CAdiabaticProcess | |
CAMIPSEnergy | |
CAMIPSEnergyAutodiff | |
CAssembler | Abstract class |
CAssemblerUtils | |
CAssemblyValsCache | Caches basis evaluation and geometric mapping at every element |
CAssemblyValues | Stores per local bases evaluations |
CBilaplacianAux | |
CBilaplacianMain | |
CBilaplacianMixed | |
CDensity | |
CElasticityAssembler | |
CElasticityTensor | |
CElementAssemblyValues | Stores per element basis values at given quadrature points and geometric mapping |
CFixedCorotational | |
CGenericElastic | |
CGenericMatParam | |
CGenericMatParams | |
CGenericScalarProblem | |
CGenericTensorProblem | |
CHelmholtz | |
CHookeLinearElasticity | |
CIncompressibleLinearElasticityDispacement | |
CIncompressibleLinearElasticityMixed | |
CIncompressibleLinearElasticityPressure | |
CIncompressibleOgdenElasticity | |
CIsothermalProcess | |
CLameParameters | |
CLaplacian | |
CLinearAssembler | Assemble matrix based on the local assembler local assembler is eg Laplace, LinearElasticity etc |
CLinearAssemblerData | |
CLinearElasticity | |
CMacroStrainValue | |
CMass | |
CMassMatrixAssembler | |
CMixedAssembler | |
CMixedAssemblerData | |
CMooneyRivlin3ParamElasticity | |
CMooneyRivlin3ParamSymbolic | |
CMooneyRivlinElasticity | |
CMultiModel | |
CNavierStokesVelocity | |
CNeoHookeanAutodiff | |
CNeoHookeanElasticity | |
CNLAssembler | |
CNoDensity | |
CNonLinearAssemblerData | |
COperatorSplitting | |
COptAssemblerData | |
COutputData | |
CPressureAssembler | |
CProblem | |
CRhsAssembler | |
CSaintVenantElasticity | |
CScalarBCValue | |
CStokesMixed | |
CStokesPressure | |
CStokesVelocity | |
CTensorBCValue | |
CThermodynamicProcess | |
CUnconstrainedOgdenElasticity | |
CViscousDamping | |
CViscousDampingPrev | |
►Nbasis | |
CBarycentricBasis2d | |
CBasis | Represents one basis function and its gradient |
CElementBases | Stores the basis functions for a given element in a mesh (facet in 2d, cell in 3d) |
CInterfaceData | |
CLagrangeBasis2d | |
CLagrangeBasis3d | |
CLocal2Global | Represents a virtual node of the FEM mesh as a weighted sum of real (unknown) nodes |
CMVPolygonalBasis2d | |
CPolygonalBasis2d | |
CPolygonalBasis3d | |
CQuadraticBSpline | |
CQuadraticBSpline2d | |
CQuadraticBSpline3d | |
CRBFWithLinear | |
CRBFWithQuadratic | |
CRBFWithQuadraticLagrange | |
CSplineBasis2d | |
CSplineBasis3d | |
CWSPolygonalBasis2d | |
►Nio | |
CEnergyCSVWriter | |
CEvaluator | |
CMshReader | |
CMshWriter | |
COBJReader | |
COBJWriter | |
►COutGeometryData | Utilies related to export of geometry |
CExportOptions | Different export flags |
COutRuntimeData | Stores all runtime data |
COutStatsData | All stats from polyfem |
CRuntimeStatsCSVWriter | |
CSolutionFrame | Class used to save the solution of time dependent problems in code instead of saving it to the disc |
►Nmesh | |
►NNavigation | |
CIndex | |
►NNavigation3D | |
CIndex | |
CCMesh2D | |
CCMesh3D | |
CEdge | |
CElement | |
CFace | |
CLocalBoundary | Boundary primitive IDs for a single element |
CLocalMesh | |
CLocalRelaxationData | |
►CMesh | Abstract mesh class to capture 2d/3d conforming and non-conforming meshes |
CCellNodes | Class to store the high-order cells nodes |
CEdgeNodes | Class to store the high-order edge nodes |
CFaceNodes | Class to store the high-order face nodes |
CMesh2D | |
CMesh3D | |
CMesh3DStorage | |
CMesh_Quality | |
CMeshNodes | |
►CNCMesh2D | |
CArrayHasher2D | |
Cfollower_edge | |
Cfollower_face | |
CncBoundary | |
CncElem | |
CncVert | |
►CNCMesh3D | |
CArrayHasher2D | |
CArrayHasher3D | |
Cfollower_edge | |
Cfollower_face | |
CncBoundary | |
CncElem | |
CncVert | |
►CObstacle | |
CPlane | |
CPhysicsRemesher | |
CPhysicsTetRemesher | |
CPhysicsTriRemesher | |
►CRemesher | |
CGlobalProjectionCache | |
CSizingFieldRemesher | |
CTetOperationCache | |
CTriOperationCache | |
CVertex | |
►CWildRemesher | |
CBoundaryAttributes | |
CEdgeAttributes | |
CElementAttributes | |
CVertexAttributes | |
►Nproblem | |
CAirfoil | |
CBilaplacianProblemWithSolution | |
CCompressionElasticProblemExact | |
CConstantVelocity | |
CCornerFlow | |
CCubicProblem | |
CDoubleTorsionElasticProblem | |
CDrivenCavity | |
CDrivenCavityC0 | |
CDrivenCavitySmooth | |
CElasticCantileverExact | |
CElasticProblem | |
CElasticProblemExact | |
CElasticProblemZeroBC | |
CFlow | |
CFlowWithObstacle | |
CFrankeProblem | |
CFrankeProblemOld | |
CGenericScalarProblemExact | |
CGravityProblem | |
CKernelProblem | |
CKovnaszy | |
CLinearElasticProblemExact | |
CLinearProblem | |
CLshape | |
CMinSurfProblem | |
CNodeProblem | |
CNodeValues | |
►CPointBasedTensorProblem | |
CBCValue | |
CProblemFactory | |
CProblemWithSolution | |
CQuadraticElasticProblemExact | |
CQuadraticProblem | |
CSimpleStokeProblemExact | |
CSineProblem | |
CSineStokeProblemExact | |
CStokesLawProblem | |
CTaylorGreenVortexProblem | |
CTestProblem | |
CTimeDependentProblem | |
CTimeDepentendStokesProblem | |
CTorsionElasticProblem | |
CTransientStokeProblemExact | |
CTwoSpheres | |
CUnitFlowWithObstacle | |
CWalkProblem | |
CZeroBCProblem | |
►Nquadrature | |
CHexQuadrature | |
CLineQuadrature | |
CPolygonQuadrature | |
CPolyhedronQuadrature | |
CQuadQuadrature | |
CQuadrature | |
CTetQuadrature | |
CTriQuadrature | |
►Nrefinement | |
CAPriori | Class for a priori refinement, see 'Decoupling .. ' paper for details |
►Nrenderer | |
CFragmentAttributes | |
CFrameBufferAttributes | |
CMaterial | |
CProgram | |
CUniformAttributes | |
CVertexAttributes | |
►Nsolver | |
CAccelerationForm | |
CAdjointForm | |
CAdjointNLProblem | |
CAdjointOptUtils | |
CALSolver | |
CAMIPSForm | |
CAugmentedLagrangianForm | Form of the augmented lagrangian |
CBarycenterTargetForm | |
CBCLagrangianForm | Form of the augmented lagrangian for bc constraints |
CBodyForm | Form representing body forces |
CBoundarySmoothingForm | |
CBoundedBiharmonicWeights2Dto3D | |
CBSplineParametrization1DTo2D | |
CBSplineParametrization2DTo3D | |
CCollisionBarrierForm | |
CComplianceForm | |
CCompositeForm | |
CCompositeParametrization | |
CContactForm | Form representing the contact potential and forces |
CDampingCoeffientVariableToSimulation | |
CDeformedCollisionBarrierForm | |
CDiffCache | |
CDirichletVariableToSimulation | |
CDivideForm | |
CElasticEnergyForm | |
CElasticVariableToSimulation | |
CENu2LambdaMu | |
CExponentialMap | |
CForm | |
CFrictionCoeffientVariableToSimulation | |
CFrictionForm | Form of the lagged friction disapative potential and forces |
CFullNLProblem | |
CGenericLagrangianForm | Form of the lagrangian in augmented lagrangian |
CHomoCompositeForm | |
CInequalityConstraintForm | |
CInertiaForm | Form of the inertia |
CInitialConditionVariableToSimulation | |
CInsertConstantMap | |
CInversionBarrierForm | |
CKineticForm | |
CL2ProjectionForm | |
CLaggedRegForm | Tikonov regularization form between x and x_lagged |
CLayerThicknessForm | |
CLinearFilter | |
CMacroStrainLagrangianForm | Form of the lagrangian in augmented lagrangian for homogenization |
CMaxStressForm | |
CMeshTargetForm | |
CMinJacobianForm | Compute the minimum jacobian of the mesh elements, not differentiable polygon elements not supported! |
CMinTargetDistForm | |
CNavierStokesSolver | |
CNegativeCompositeForm | |
CNLHomoProblem | |
CNLProblem | |
CNodeTargetForm | |
COperatorSplittingSolver | |
CParametrization | This parameterize a function f : x -> y and provides the chain rule with respect to previous gradients |
CParametrizationFactory | |
CParametrizationForm | |
CParametrizedProductForm | |
CPerBody2PerElem | |
CPerBody2PerNode | |
CPeriodicContactForm | Form representing the contact potential and forces on a periodic mesh This form has a different input format of [fluctuation, affine], only can be used in NLHomoProblem |
CPeriodicMeshToMesh | |
CPeriodicShapeVariableToSimulation | |
CPlusConstCompositeForm | |
CPositionForm | |
CPowerForm | |
CPowerMap | |
CPressureForm | Form representing body forces |
CPressureVariableToSimulation | |
CProxyContactForceForm | |
CProxyTransientForm | |
CRayleighDampingForm | Tikonov regularization form between x and x_lagged |
CScalarVelocityParametrization | |
CScaling | |
CSDFTargetForm | |
CShapeVariableToSimulation | |
CSliceMap | |
CSolveData | Class to store time stepping data |
CSpatialIntegralForm | |
CStaticBoundaryNLProblem | |
CStaticForm | |
CStressForm | |
CStressNormForm | |
CSumCompositeForm | |
CTargetForm | |
CTransientForm | |
CTransientNavierStokesSolver | |
CVariableToBoundaryNodes | |
CVariableToBoundaryNodesExclusive | |
CVariableToInteriorNodes | |
CVariableToNodes | |
CVariableToSimulation | Maps the optimization variable to the state variable |
CVariableToSimulationGroup | A collection of VariableToSimulation |
CVolumeForm | |
CWeightedVolumeForm | Computes the dot product of the input x (after parametrization) and the volume of each element on the mesh |
►Ntime_integrator | |
CBDF | Backward Differential Formulas |
CImplicitEuler | Implicit Euler time integrator of a second order ODE (equivently a system of coupled first order ODEs) |
CImplicitNewmark | Implicit Newmark-beta method |
CImplicitTimeIntegrator | Implicit time integrator of a second order ODE (equivently a system of coupled first order ODEs) |
►Nutils | |
CAutoFlipSVD | |
CAxisPlaneSelection | |
CBoundarySampler | |
CBoxSelection | |
CBoxSideSelection | |
CCylinderSelection | |
CDenseMatrixCache | |
CEdgeSampler | |
CEqualUnorderedArray | |
CExpressionValue | |
CFileSelection | |
CGeogramUtils | |
CHashMatrix | |
CHashPair | |
CHashUnorderedArray | Hash function for an array where the order does not matter |
CHashVector | |
CInterpolatedFunction2d | |
CInterpolation | |
CLinearInterpolation | |
CLinearRamp | |
CMatrixCache | Abstract class used for caching |
CNoInterpolation | |
CNThread | |
CPeriodicBoundary | |
CPiecewiseConstantInterpolation | |
CPiecewiseCubicInterpolation | |
CPiecewiseInterpolation | |
CPiecewiseLinearInterpolation | |
CPlaneSelection | |
CPolygonClipping | |
CRBFInterpolation | |
CRefElementSampler | |
CSelection | |
CSparseMatrixCache | |
CSpecifiedSelection | |
CSphereSelection | |
CTetrahedronClipping | |
CTimer | |
CTiming | |
CTree | |
CTriangleClipping | |
CUniformSelection | |
CAutoDiffAllocator | |
CAutoDiffAllocator< double > | |
CBSplineParametrization | |
CBSplineParametrization2D | |
CBSplineParametrization3D | |
CCubicHermiteSplineParametrization | |
►CIntegrableFunctional | |
CParameterType | Parameters for the functional evaluation |
CLazyCubicInterpolator | |
COptState | Main class that contains the polyfem adjoint solver and all its state |
CState | Main class that contains the polyfem solver and all its state |
CUnits | |
▼Nq_bases | |
CLagrange | |
CReferenceSimplex | |
CDiffScalarBase | Base class of all automatic differentiation types |
CDScalar1 | Automatic differentiation scalar with first-order derivatives |
CDScalar2 | Automatic differentiation scalar with first- and second-order derivatives |