No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
15#include <geogram/mesh/mesh_io.h>
16#include <geogram/mesh/mesh_geometry.h>
18#include <Eigen/Geometry>
20#include <igl/boundary_facets.h>
21#include <igl/oriented_facets.h>
22#include <igl/edges.h>
24#include <filesystem>
25#include <unordered_set>
28namespace polyfem::mesh
30 using namespace polyfem::io;
31 using namespace polyfem::utils;
33 namespace
34 {
35 std::vector<int> sort_face(const Eigen::RowVectorXi f)
36 {
37 std::vector<int> sorted_face(f.data(), f.data() + f.size());
38 std::sort(sorted_face.begin(), sorted_face.end());
39 return sorted_face;
40 }
42 // Constructs a list of unique faces represented in a given mesh (V,T)
43 //
44 // Inputs:
45 // T: #T × 4 matrix of indices of tet corners
46 // Outputs:
47 // F: #F × 3 list of faces in no particular order
48 template <typename DerivedT, typename DerivedF>
49 void get_faces(
50 const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedT> &T,
51 Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedF> &F)
52 {
53 assert(T.cols() == 4);
54 assert(T.rows() >= 1);
56 Eigen::MatrixXi BF, OF;
57 igl::boundary_facets(T, BF);
58 igl::oriented_facets(T, OF); // boundary facets + duplicated interior faces
59 assert((OF.rows() + BF.rows()) % 2 == 0);
60 const int num_faces = (OF.rows() + BF.rows()) / 2;
61 F.resize(num_faces, 3);
62 F.topRows(BF.rows()) = BF;
63 std::unordered_set<std::vector<int>, HashVector> processed_faces;
64 for (int fi = 0; fi < BF.rows(); fi++)
65 {
66 processed_faces.insert(sort_face(BF.row(fi)));
67 }
69 for (int fi = 0; fi < OF.rows(); fi++)
70 {
71 std::vector<int> sorted_face = sort_face(OF.row(fi));
72 const auto iter = processed_faces.find(sorted_face);
73 if (iter == processed_faces.end())
74 {
75 F.row(processed_faces.size()) = OF.row(fi);
76 processed_faces.insert(sorted_face);
77 }
78 }
80 assert(F.rows() == processed_faces.size());
81 }
82 } // namespace
84 std::unique_ptr<Mesh> Mesh::create(const int dim, const bool non_conforming)
85 {
86 assert(dim == 2 || dim == 3);
87 if (dim == 2 && non_conforming)
88 return std::make_unique<NCMesh2D>();
89 else if (dim == 2 && !non_conforming)
90 return std::make_unique<CMesh2D>();
91 else if (dim == 3 && non_conforming)
92 return std::make_unique<NCMesh3D>();
93 else if (dim == 3 && !non_conforming)
94 return std::make_unique<CMesh3D>();
95 throw std::runtime_error("Invalid dimension");
96 }
98 std::unique_ptr<Mesh> Mesh::create(GEO::Mesh &meshin, const bool non_conforming)
99 {
100 if (is_planar(meshin))
101 {
102 generate_edges(meshin);
103 std::unique_ptr<Mesh> mesh = create(2, non_conforming);
104 if (mesh->load(meshin))
105 {
106 mesh->in_ordered_vertices_ = Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(meshin.vertices.nb(), 0, meshin.vertices.nb() - 1);
107 assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[0] == 0);
108 assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[1] == 1);
109 assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[2] == 2);
110 assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[mesh->in_ordered_vertices_.size() - 1] == meshin.vertices.nb() - 1);
112 mesh->in_ordered_edges_.resize(meshin.edges.nb(), 2);
114 for (int e = 0; e < (int)meshin.edges.nb(); ++e)
115 {
116 for (int lv = 0; lv < 2; ++lv)
117 {
118 mesh->in_ordered_edges_(e, lv) = meshin.edges.vertex(e, lv);
119 }
120 assert(mesh->in_ordered_edges_(e, 0) != mesh->in_ordered_edges_(e, 1));
121 }
122 assert(mesh->in_ordered_edges_.size() > 0);
124 mesh->in_ordered_faces_.resize(0, 0);
126 return mesh;
127 }
128 }
129 else
130 {
131 std::unique_ptr<Mesh> mesh = create(3, non_conforming);
132 meshin.cells.connect();
133 if (mesh->load(meshin))
134 {
135 mesh->in_ordered_vertices_ = Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(meshin.vertices.nb(), 0, meshin.vertices.nb() - 1);
136 assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[0] == 0);
137 assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[1] == 1);
138 assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[2] == 2);
139 assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[mesh->in_ordered_vertices_.size() - 1] == meshin.vertices.nb() - 1);
141 mesh->in_ordered_edges_.resize(meshin.edges.nb(), 2);
143 for (int e = 0; e < (int)meshin.edges.nb(); ++e)
144 {
145 for (int lv = 0; lv < 2; ++lv)
146 {
147 mesh->in_ordered_edges_(e, lv) = meshin.edges.vertex(e, lv);
148 }
149 }
150 assert(mesh->in_ordered_edges_.size() > 0);
152 mesh->in_ordered_faces_.resize(meshin.facets.nb(), meshin.facets.nb_vertices(0));
154 for (int f = 0; f < (int)meshin.edges.nb(); ++f)
155 {
156 assert(mesh->in_ordered_faces_.cols() == meshin.facets.nb_vertices(f));
158 for (int lv = 0; lv < mesh->in_ordered_faces_.cols(); ++lv)
159 {
160 mesh->in_ordered_faces_(f, lv) = meshin.facets.vertex(f, lv);
161 }
162 }
163 assert(mesh->in_ordered_faces_.size() > 0);
165 return mesh;
166 }
167 }
169 logger().error("Failed to load mesh");
170 return nullptr;
171 }
173 std::unique_ptr<Mesh> Mesh::create(const std::string &path, const bool non_conforming)
174 {
175 if (!std::filesystem::exists(path))
176 {
177 logger().error(path.empty() ? "No mesh provided!" : "Mesh file does not exist: {}", path);
178 return nullptr;
179 }
181 std::string lowername = path;
182 std::transform(lowername.begin(), lowername.end(), lowername.begin(), ::tolower);
184 if (StringUtils::endswith(lowername, ".hybrid"))
185 {
186 std::unique_ptr<Mesh> mesh = create(3, non_conforming);
187 if (mesh->load(path))
188 {
189 // TODO add in_ordered_vertices_, in_ordered_edges_, in_ordered_faces_
190 return mesh;
191 }
192 }
193 else if (StringUtils::endswith(lowername, ".msh"))
194 {
195 Eigen::MatrixXd vertices;
196 Eigen::MatrixXi cells;
197 std::vector<std::vector<int>> elements;
198 std::vector<std::vector<double>> weights;
199 std::vector<int> body_ids;
201 if (!MshReader::load(path, vertices, cells, elements, weights, body_ids))
202 {
203 logger().error("Failed to load MSH mesh: {}", path);
204 return nullptr;
205 }
207 const int dim = vertices.cols();
208 std::unique_ptr<Mesh> mesh = create(vertices, cells, non_conforming);
210 // Only tris and tets
211 if ((dim == 2 && cells.cols() == 3) || (dim == 3 && cells.cols() == 4))
212 {
213 mesh->attach_higher_order_nodes(vertices, elements);
214 mesh->set_cell_weights(weights);
215 // TODO: not clear?
216 }
218 for (const auto &w : weights)
219 {
220 if (!w.empty())
221 {
222 mesh->set_is_rational(true);
223 break;
224 }
225 }
227 mesh->set_body_ids(body_ids);
229 return mesh;
230 }
231 else
232 {
233 GEO::Mesh tmp;
234 if (GEO::mesh_load(path, tmp))
235 {
236 return create(tmp, non_conforming);
237 }
238 }
239 logger().error("Failed to load mesh: {}", path);
240 return nullptr;
241 }
243 std::unique_ptr<Mesh> Mesh::create(
244 const Eigen::MatrixXd &vertices, const Eigen::MatrixXi &cells, const bool non_conforming)
245 {
246 const int dim = vertices.cols();
248 std::unique_ptr<Mesh> mesh = create(dim, non_conforming);
250 mesh->build_from_matrices(vertices, cells);
252 std::vector<int> tmp(cells.data(), cells.data() + cells.size());
253 std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
254 tmp.erase(std::unique(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()), tmp.end());
256 mesh->in_ordered_vertices_ = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXi, Eigen::Unaligned>(tmp.data(), tmp.size());
257 // assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[0] == 0);
258 // assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[1] == 1);
259 // assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[2] == 2);
260 // assert(mesh->in_ordered_vertices_[mesh->in_ordered_vertices_.size() - 1] == vertices.rows() - 1);
262 if (dim == 2)
263 {
264 std::unordered_set<std::pair<int, int>, HashPair> edges;
265 for (int f = 0; f < cells.rows(); ++f)
266 {
267 for (int lv = 0; lv < cells.cols(); ++lv)
268 {
269 const int v0 = cells(f, lv);
270 const int v1 = cells(f, (lv + 1) % cells.cols());
271 edges.emplace(std::pair<int, int>(std::min(v0, v1), std::max(v0, v1)));
272 }
273 }
274 mesh->in_ordered_edges_.resize(edges.size(), 2);
275 int index = 0;
276 for (auto it = edges.begin(); it != edges.end(); ++it)
277 {
278 mesh->in_ordered_edges_(index, 0) = it->first;
279 mesh->in_ordered_edges_(index, 1) = it->second;
280 ++index;
281 }
283 assert(mesh->in_ordered_edges_.size() > 0);
285 mesh->in_ordered_faces_.resize(0, 0);
286 }
287 else
288 {
289 if (cells.cols() == 4)
290 {
291 get_faces(cells, mesh->in_ordered_faces_);
292 igl::edges(mesh->in_ordered_faces_, mesh->in_ordered_edges_);
293 }
294 // else TODO
295 }
297 return mesh;
298 }
302 void Mesh::edge_barycenters(Eigen::MatrixXd &barycenters) const
303 {
304 barycenters.resize(n_edges(), dimension());
305 for (int e = 0; e < n_edges(); ++e)
306 {
307 barycenters.row(e) = edge_barycenter(e);
308 }
309 }
311 void Mesh::face_barycenters(Eigen::MatrixXd &barycenters) const
312 {
313 barycenters.resize(n_faces(), dimension());
314 for (int f = 0; f < n_faces(); ++f)
315 {
316 barycenters.row(f) = face_barycenter(f);
317 }
318 }
320 void Mesh::cell_barycenters(Eigen::MatrixXd &barycenters) const
321 {
322 barycenters.resize(n_cells(), dimension());
323 for (int c = 0; c < n_cells(); ++c)
324 {
325 barycenters.row(c) = cell_barycenter(c);
326 }
327 }
331 // Queries on the tags
332 bool Mesh::is_spline_compatible(const int el_id) const
333 {
334 if (is_volume())
335 {
338 // || elements_tag_[el_id] == ElementType::SIMPLE_SINGULAR_INTERIOR_CUBE
339 // || elements_tag_[el_id] == ElementType::SIMPLE_SINGULAR_BOUNDARY_CUBE;
340 }
341 else
342 {
345 // || elements_tag_[el_id] == ElementType::INTERFACE_CUBE
346 // || elements_tag_[el_id] == ElementType::SIMPLE_SINGULAR_INTERIOR_CUBE;
347 }
348 }
350 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
363 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
365 bool Mesh::is_polytope(const int el_id) const
366 {
369 }
371 void Mesh::update_nodes(const Eigen::VectorXi &in_node_to_node)
372 {
373 if (in_node_to_node.size() <= 0 || node_ids_.empty())
374 {
375 node_ids_.clear();
376 return;
377 }
379 const auto tmp = node_ids_;
381 for (int n = 0; n < n_vertices(); ++n)
382 {
383 node_ids_[in_node_to_node[n]] = tmp[n];
384 }
385 }
387 void Mesh::compute_node_ids(const std::function<int(const size_t, const RowVectorNd &, bool)> &marker)
388 {
389 node_ids_.resize(n_vertices());
391 for (int n = 0; n < n_vertices(); ++n)
392 {
393 bool is_boundary = is_boundary_vertex(n);
394 const auto p = point(n);
395 node_ids_[n] = marker(n, p, is_boundary);
396 }
397 }
399 void Mesh::load_boundary_ids(const std::string &path)
400 {
403 std::ifstream file(path);
405 std::string line;
406 int bindex = 0;
407 while (std::getline(file, line))
408 {
409 std::istringstream iss(line);
410 int v;
411 iss >> v;
412 boundary_ids_[bindex] = v;
414 ++bindex;
415 }
417 assert(boundary_ids_.size() == size_t(bindex));
419 file.close();
420 }
422 bool Mesh::is_simplex(const int el_id) const
423 {
424 return elements_tag_[el_id] == ElementType::SIMPLEX;
425 }
427 std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> Mesh::edges() const
428 {
429 std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> res;
430 res.reserve(n_edges());
432 for (int e_id = 0; e_id < n_edges(); ++e_id)
433 {
434 const int e0 = edge_vertex(e_id, 0);
435 const int e1 = edge_vertex(e_id, 1);
437 res.emplace_back(std::min(e0, e1), std::max(e0, e1));
438 }
440 return res;
441 }
443 std::vector<std::vector<int>> Mesh::faces() const
444 {
445 std::vector<std::vector<int>> res(n_faces());
447 for (int f_id = 0; f_id < n_faces(); ++f_id)
448 {
449 auto &tmp = res[f_id];
450 for (int lv_id = 0; lv_id < n_face_vertices(f_id); ++lv_id)
451 tmp.push_back(face_vertex(f_id, lv_id));
453 std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
454 }
456 return res;
457 }
459 std::unordered_map<std::pair<int, int>, size_t, HashPair> Mesh::edges_to_ids() const
460 {
461 std::unordered_map<std::pair<int, int>, size_t, HashPair> res;
462 res.reserve(n_edges());
464 for (int e_id = 0; e_id < n_edges(); ++e_id)
465 {
466 const int e0 = edge_vertex(e_id, 0);
467 const int e1 = edge_vertex(e_id, 1);
469 res[std::pair<int, int>(std::min(e0, e1), std::max(e0, e1))] = e_id;
470 }
472 return res;
473 }
475 std::unordered_map<std::vector<int>, size_t, HashVector> Mesh::faces_to_ids() const
476 {
477 std::unordered_map<std::vector<int>, size_t, HashVector> res;
478 res.reserve(n_faces());
480 for (int f_id = 0; f_id < n_faces(); ++f_id)
481 {
482 std::vector<int> f;
483 f.reserve(n_face_vertices(f_id));
484 for (int lv_id = 0; lv_id < n_face_vertices(f_id); ++lv_id)
485 f.push_back(face_vertex(f_id, lv_id));
486 std::sort(f.begin(), f.end());
488 res[f] = f_id;
489 }
491 return res;
492 }
494 void Mesh::append(const Mesh &mesh)
495 {
496 const int n_vertices = this->n_vertices();
498 elements_tag_.insert(elements_tag_.end(), mesh.elements_tag_.begin(), mesh.elements_tag_.end());
500 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
502 // Initialize node_ids_ if it is not initialized yet.
503 if (!has_node_ids() && mesh.has_node_ids())
504 {
505 node_ids_.resize(n_vertices);
506 for (int i = 0; i < node_ids_.size(); ++i)
507 node_ids_[i] = get_node_id(i); // results in default if node_ids_ is empty
508 }
510 if (mesh.has_node_ids())
511 {
512 node_ids_.insert(node_ids_.end(), mesh.node_ids_.begin(), mesh.node_ids_.end());
513 }
514 else if (has_node_ids()) // && !mesh.has_node_ids()
515 {
516 node_ids_.resize(n_vertices + mesh.n_vertices());
517 for (int i = 0; i < mesh.n_vertices(); ++i)
518 node_ids_[n_vertices + i] = mesh.get_node_id(i); // results in default if node_ids_ is empty
519 }
521 assert(node_ids_.empty() || node_ids_.size() == n_vertices + mesh.n_vertices());
523 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
525 // Initialize boundary_ids_ if it is not initialized yet.
526 if (!has_boundary_ids() && mesh.has_boundary_ids())
527 {
529 for (int i = 0; i < boundary_ids_.size(); ++i)
531 }
533 if (mesh.has_boundary_ids())
534 {
535 boundary_ids_.insert(boundary_ids_.end(), mesh.boundary_ids_.begin(), mesh.boundary_ids_.end());
536 }
537 else if (has_boundary_ids()) // && !mesh.has_boundary_ids()
538 {
540 for (int i = 0; i < mesh.n_boundary_elements(); ++i)
541 boundary_ids_[n_boundary_elements() + i] = mesh.get_boundary_id(i); // results in default if mesh.boundary_ids_ is empty
542 }
544 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
546 // Initialize body_ids_ if it is not initialized yet.
547 if (!has_body_ids() && mesh.has_body_ids())
548 body_ids_ = std::vector<int>(n_elements(), 0); // 0 is the default body_id
550 if (mesh.has_body_ids())
551 body_ids_.insert(body_ids_.end(), mesh.body_ids_.begin(), mesh.body_ids_.end());
552 else if (has_body_ids()) // && !mesh.has_body_ids()
553 body_ids_.resize(n_elements() + mesh.n_elements(), 0); // 0 is the default body_id
555 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
557 if (orders_.size() == 0)
558 orders_.setOnes(n_elements(), 1);
559 Eigen::MatrixXi mesh_orders = mesh.orders_;
560 if (mesh_orders.size() == 0)
561 mesh_orders.setOnes(mesh.n_elements(), 1);
562 assert(orders_.cols() == mesh_orders.cols());
563 orders_.conservativeResize(orders_.rows() + mesh_orders.rows(), orders_.cols());
564 orders_.bottomRows(mesh_orders.rows()) = mesh_orders;
568 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
569 for (const auto &n : mesh.edge_nodes_)
570 {
571 auto tmp = n;
572 tmp.v1 += n_vertices;
573 tmp.v2 += n_vertices;
574 edge_nodes_.push_back(tmp);
575 }
576 for (const auto &n : mesh.face_nodes_)
577 {
578 auto tmp = n;
579 tmp.v1 += n_vertices;
580 tmp.v2 += n_vertices;
581 tmp.v3 += n_vertices;
582 face_nodes_.push_back(tmp);
583 }
584 for (const auto &n : mesh.cell_nodes_)
585 {
586 auto tmp = n;
587 tmp.v1 += n_vertices;
588 tmp.v2 += n_vertices;
589 tmp.v3 += n_vertices;
590 tmp.v4 += n_vertices;
591 cell_nodes_.push_back(tmp);
592 }
593 cell_weights_.insert(cell_weights_.end(), mesh.cell_weights_.begin(), mesh.cell_weights_.end());
594 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
596 assert(in_ordered_vertices_.cols() == mesh.in_ordered_vertices_.cols());
597 in_ordered_vertices_.conservativeResize(in_ordered_vertices_.rows() + mesh.in_ordered_vertices_.rows(), in_ordered_vertices_.cols());
598 in_ordered_vertices_.bottomRows(mesh.in_ordered_vertices_.rows()) = mesh.in_ordered_vertices_.array() + n_vertices;
600 if (in_ordered_edges_.size() == 0 || mesh.in_ordered_edges_.size() == 0)
601 in_ordered_edges_.resize(0, 0);
602 else
603 {
604 assert(in_ordered_edges_.cols() == mesh.in_ordered_edges_.cols());
606 }
608 if (in_ordered_faces_.size() == 0 || mesh.in_ordered_faces_.size() == 0)
609 in_ordered_faces_.resize(0, 0);
610 else
611 {
612 assert(in_ordered_faces_.cols() == mesh.in_ordered_faces_.cols());
614 }
615 }
617 namespace
618 {
619 template <typename T>
620 void transform_high_order_nodes(std::vector<T> &nodes, const MatrixNd &A, const VectorNd &b)
621 {
622 for (T &n : nodes)
623 {
624 if (n.nodes.size())
625 {
626 n.nodes = (n.nodes * A.transpose()).rowwise() + b.transpose();
627 }
628 }
629 }
630 } // namespace
633 {
634 for (int i = 0; i < n_vertices(); ++i)
635 {
636 VectorNd p = point(i).transpose();
637 p = A * p + b;
638 set_point(i, p.transpose());
639 }
641 transform_high_order_nodes(edge_nodes_, A, b);
642 transform_high_order_nodes(face_nodes_, A, b);
643 transform_high_order_nodes(cell_nodes_, A, b);
644 }
645} // namespace polyfem::mesh
static bool load(const std::string &path, Eigen::MatrixXd &vertices, Eigen::MatrixXi &cells, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &elements, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &weights, std::vector< int > &body_ids)
Definition MshReader.cpp:29
Abstract mesh class to capture 2d/3d conforming and non-conforming meshes.
Definition Mesh.hpp:39
int n_elements() const
utitlity to return the number of elements, cells or faces in 3d and 2d
Definition Mesh.hpp:161
virtual int n_vertices() const =0
number of vertices
bool is_polytope(const int el_id) const
checks if element is polygon compatible
Definition Mesh.cpp:365
Eigen::MatrixXi orders_
list of geometry orders, one per cell
Definition Mesh.hpp:664
std::unordered_map< std::pair< int, int >, size_t, polyfem::utils::HashPair > edges_to_ids() const
map from edge (pair of v id) to the id of the edge
Definition Mesh.cpp:459
std::vector< ElementType > elements_tag_
list of element types
Definition Mesh.hpp:656
virtual RowVectorNd edge_barycenter(const int e) const =0
edge barycenter
bool is_rational_
stores if the mesh is rational
Definition Mesh.hpp:666
bool has_boundary_ids() const
checks if surface selections are available
Definition Mesh.hpp:521
void cell_barycenters(Eigen::MatrixXd &barycenters) const
all cells barycenters
Definition Mesh.cpp:320
virtual RowVectorNd face_barycenter(const int f) const =0
face barycenter
virtual void set_point(const int global_index, const RowVectorNd &p)=0
Set the point.
bool is_cube(const int el_id) const
checks if element is cube compatible
Definition Mesh.cpp:352
bool has_node_ids() const
checks if points selections are available
Definition Mesh.hpp:517
virtual RowVectorNd point(const int global_index) const =0
point coordinates
Eigen::MatrixXi in_ordered_faces_
Order of the input faces, TODO: change to std::vector of Eigen::Vector.
Definition Mesh.hpp:682
void compute_node_ids(const std::function< int(const size_t, const RowVectorNd &, bool)> &marker)
computes boundary selections based on a function
Definition Mesh.cpp:387
virtual int get_boundary_id(const int primitive) const
Get the boundary selection of an element (face in 3d, edge in 2d)
Definition Mesh.hpp:475
virtual bool is_boundary_vertex(const int vertex_global_id) const =0
is vertex boundary
bool is_simplex(const int el_id) const
checks if element is simples compatible
Definition Mesh.cpp:422
void face_barycenters(Eigen::MatrixXd &barycenters) const
all face barycenters
Definition Mesh.cpp:311
virtual bool has_body_ids() const
checks if volumes selections are available
Definition Mesh.hpp:525
bool is_spline_compatible(const int el_id) const
checks if element is spline compatible
Definition Mesh.cpp:332
virtual void load_boundary_ids(const std::string &path)
loads the boundary selections for a file
Definition Mesh.cpp:399
std::vector< int > boundary_ids_
list of surface labels
Definition Mesh.hpp:660
void apply_affine_transformation(const MatrixNd &A, const VectorNd &b)
Apply an affine transformation to the vertex positions .
Definition Mesh.cpp:632
std::vector< int > node_ids_
list of node labels
Definition Mesh.hpp:658
std::unordered_map< std::vector< int >, size_t, polyfem::utils::HashVector > faces_to_ids() const
map from face (tuple of v id) to the id of the face
Definition Mesh.cpp:475
std::vector< CellNodes > cell_nodes_
high-order nodes associates to cells
Definition Mesh.hpp:673
std::vector< std::vector< double > > cell_weights_
weights associates to cells for rational polynomail meshes
Definition Mesh.hpp:675
virtual bool is_volume() const =0
checks if mesh is volume
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > edges() const
list of sorted edges.
Definition Mesh.cpp:427
void update_nodes(const Eigen::VectorXi &in_node_to_node)
Update the node ids to reorder them.
Definition Mesh.cpp:371
virtual int edge_vertex(const int e_id, const int lv_id) const =0
id of the edge vertex
std::vector< int > body_ids_
list of volume labels
Definition Mesh.hpp:662
static std::unique_ptr< Mesh > create(const std::string &path, const bool non_conforming=false)
factory to build the proper mesh
Definition Mesh.cpp:173
virtual int get_default_boundary_id(const int primitive) const
Get the default boundary selection of an element (face in 3d, edge in 2d)
Definition Mesh.hpp:463
int dimension() const
utily for dimension
Definition Mesh.hpp:151
virtual int n_cells() const =0
number of cells
std::vector< FaceNodes > face_nodes_
high-order nodes associates to faces
Definition Mesh.hpp:671
virtual int n_faces() const =0
number of faces
std::vector< EdgeNodes > edge_nodes_
high-order nodes associates to edges
Definition Mesh.hpp:669
std::vector< std::vector< int > > faces() const
list of sorted faces.
Definition Mesh.cpp:443
int n_boundary_elements() const
utitlity to return the number of boundary elements, faces or edges in 3d and 2d
Definition Mesh.hpp:166
Eigen::MatrixXi in_ordered_edges_
Order of the input edges.
Definition Mesh.hpp:680
virtual void append(const Mesh &mesh)
appends a new mesh to the end of this
Definition Mesh.cpp:494
virtual RowVectorNd cell_barycenter(const int c) const =0
cell barycenter
virtual int n_edges() const =0
number of edges
void edge_barycenters(Eigen::MatrixXd &barycenters) const
all edges barycenters
Definition Mesh.cpp:302
virtual int n_face_vertices(const int f_id) const =0
number of vertices of a face
Eigen::VectorXi in_ordered_vertices_
Order of the input vertices.
Definition Mesh.hpp:678
virtual int get_node_id(const int node_id) const
Get the boundary selection of a node.
Definition Mesh.hpp:484
virtual int face_vertex(const int f_id, const int lv_id) const =0
id of the face vertex
bool is_planar(const GEO::Mesh &M, const double tol=1e-5)
Determine if the given mesh is planar (2D or tiny z-range).
Definition MeshUtils.cpp:31
Triangle/tet element.
Quad/Hex incident to more than 1 singular vertices (should not happen in 2D)
Quad incident to exactly 1 singular vertex (in 2D); hex incident to exactly 1 singular interior edge,...
Quad/hex incident to exactly 1 singular vertex (in 2D) or edge (in 3D)
Regular quad/hex inside a 3^n patch.
Boundary hex that is not regular nor SimpleSingularBoundaryCube.
Quad/hex that is at the interface with a polytope (if a cube has both external boundary and and inter...
Boundary quad/hex, where all boundary vertices/edges are incident to at most 2 quads/hexes.
Interior polytope.
void generate_edges(GEO::Mesh &M)
assing edges to M
bool endswith(const std::string &str, const std::string &suffix)
void append_rows(DstMat &dst, const SrcMat &src)
spdlog::logger & logger()
Retrieves the current logger.
Definition Logger.cpp:42
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, 0, 3, 1 > VectorNd
Definition Types.hpp:11
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::ColMajor, 3, 3 > MatrixNd
Definition Types.hpp:14
Eigen::Matrix< double, 1, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor, 1, 3 > RowVectorNd
Definition Types.hpp:13