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The following formulations are available in the PolyFEM list of possible formulations. The constants can be set in params. All formulations support boundary conditions. For the elasticity formulations we output:

Cauchy stress tensor

\[ \sigma = \frac 1 J \frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial F} F^T \]

Frist Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Wikipedia)

\[ P = J \sigma F^{-T} \]

Second Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Wikipedia)

\[ S = J F^{-1} \sigma F^{-T}, \]

where \(\Psi\) is the energy density, \(F\) the deformation gradient, and \(J=\det(F)\).



  • Constants: none
  • Description: solve for \(-\Delta u = f\)

Bilaplacian (mixed)

  • Constants: none
  • Description: solve for \(-\Delta^2 u = f\)


  • Constants: \(k\)
  • Description: solve for \(-\Delta u - k^2 u = f\)


Linear Elasticity

  • Constants: E/nu, lambda/mu
  • Description: solve for \(-\text{div}(\sigma[u]) = f\) where
\[ \sigma[u] = 2 \mu \epsilon[u]+ \lambda \text{tr}(\epsilon[u]) I \qquad \epsilon[u] = \frac 1 2 \left(\nabla u^T + \nabla u\right) \]

Hooke Linear Elasticity

  • Constants: elasticity_tensor, E/nu, lambda/mu
  • Description: solve for \(-\text{div}(\sigma[u]) = f\) where
\[ \sigma[u] = C : \epsilon[u] \qquad \epsilon[u] = \frac 1 2 \left(\nabla u^T + \nabla u\right) \]

where \(C\) is the elasticity tensor

Incompressible Linear Elasticity (mixed)

  • Constants: E/nu, lambda/mu
  • Description: solve for
\[\begin{align} -\text{div}(2\mu\epsilon[u] + p I) &= f\\ \text{div}(u) - \lambda^{-1}p &= 0 \end{align}\]

Saint Venant–Kirchoff Elasticity

  • Constants: elasticity_tensor, E/nu, lambda/mu
  • Description: solve for \(-\text{div}(\sigma[u]) = f\) where
\[ \sigma[u] = C: \epsilon[u] \qquad \epsilon[u] = \frac 1 2 \left(\nabla u^T \nabla u + \nabla u^T + \nabla u\right) \]

where \(C\) is the elasticity tensor

NeoHookean Elasticity

  • Constants: E/nu, lambda/mu
  • Description: solve for \(-\text{div}(\sigma[u]) = f\) where
\[ \sigma[u] = \mu (F[u] - F[u]^{-T}) + \lambda \ln(\det F[u]) F[u]^{-T} \qquad F[u] = \nabla u + I \]

Mooney-Rivlin Elasticity

  • Constants: c1/c2/k=1
  • Description: solve for \(-\text{div}(\sigma[u]) = f\) where \(\sigma[u]=\nabla_u \Psi[u]\). The energy density \(\Psi\) is
\[ \Psi[u] = c_1 (\widetilde{I_1} - d) + c_2 (\widetilde{I_2} - d) + \frac{k}{2} \ln^2(J) \]

where \(d\) is the dimension (2 or 3),

\[\begin{align} F = \nabla u + I, \quad J = \det(F), \quad \tilde{F} = \frac{1}{\sqrt[d]{J}} F, \quad \widetilde{C} = \widetilde{F} \widetilde{F}^T, \\ \widetilde{I_1} = \text{tr}\left(\widetilde{C}\right), \quad \text{and} \quad \widetilde{I_2} = \frac{1}{2} \left(\left(\trace{\widetilde{C}}\right)^2 - \text{tr}\left(\widetilde{C}^2\right)\right). \end{align}\]

Incompressible Ogden Elasticity

  • Constants: c/m/k
  • Description: solve for \(-\text{div}(\sigma[u]) = f\) where \(\sigma[u]=\nabla_u \Psi[u]\). The energy density \(\Psi\) is
\[ \Psi[u] = \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{c_i}{m_i^2} \left( \sum_{j=1}^d \tilde{\lambda}_j^{m_i} - d \right) + \frac{1}{2} K \ln(J)^2 \]

where \(N\), the number of terms, is dictated by the number of coefficients given, \(d\) is the dimension (2 or 3), \(J = \det(F)\) where \(F = \nabla u + I\), and \(\tilde{\lambda}_j = J^{-\frac{1}{d}}\lambda_j\) are the eigenvalues of \(\tilde{F}\) (same as in the Mooney-Rivlin Elasticity).

Unconstrained Ogden Elasticity

  • Constants: mus/alphas/Ds
  • Description: solve for \(-\text{div}(\sigma[u]) = f\) where \(\sigma[u]=\nabla_u \Psi[u]\). The energy density \(\Psi\) is
\[ \Psi[u] = \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{2 \mu_i}{\alpha_i^2} \left( \sum_{j=1}^d \tilde{\lambda}_j^{\alpha_i} - d \right) + \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{\left(J-1\right)^{2 i}}{D_i} \]

where \(N\), the number of terms, is dictated by the number of coefficients given, \(d\) is the dimension (2 or 3), \(J = \det(F)\) where \(F = \nabla u + I\), and \(\tilde{\lambda}_j = J^{-\frac{1}{d}}\lambda_j\) where \(\lambda_j\) are the eigenvalues of \(F.\)

Viscous Damping

  • Constants: phi/psi
  • Description: an extra energy that represents dissipation, adding to the elastic energy in transient problems
\[ R(F,\dot{F})=\psi \|\dot{E}(F,\dot{F})\|^2+\frac{\phi}{2}\text{tr}^2\dot{E}(F,\dot{F}) \]

where \(F[u] = \nabla u + I\) and \(E[u] = \frac{1}{2}(F^TF-I)\).

The above corresponds to the viscous Piola-Kirchhoff stress

\[ P=F(2\psi\dot{E}+\phi\text{tr}(\dot{E})I)=\nabla_2 R(F,\dot{F}). \]

Stokes (mixed)

  • Constants: viscosity (\(\nu\))
  • Description: solve for
\[\begin{align} -\nu\Delta u + \nabla p &= f\\ -\text{div}(u) &= 0 \end{align}\]
  • Constants: viscosity (\(\nu\))
  • Description: solve for
\[\begin{align} u\cdot \nabla u -\nu\Delta u + \nabla p &= f\\ -\text{div}(u) &= 0 \end{align}\]

Implementing New Formulations


Describe how to implement a new formulation in C++.

Last update: 2023-10-03