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Trajectory Optimization

Author: Zizhou Huang, Date: Feb. 19, 2024

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to use polyfem to optimize the initial velocity of throwing a ball to match a given trajectory.


The following items are necessary to complete this tutorial. To reproduce the experiment, you can feel free to use either the given mesh files or your own mesh.

The files can also be found at polyfem-data.

Build PolyFEM

The instructions for building PolyFEM can be found here.

Then you can use it by

polyfem --help

Setting up the Optimization

We will setup the optimization using PolyFEM’s JSON interface. For more details, please refer to the JSON Input documentation.

We will only go over the JSON script for the optimization configuration, please refer to other tutorials for the JSON script for the simulation configuration.


    "parameters": [
            "number": 2,
            "initial": [4, 0]

In parameters, we specify the dimension and initial guess of the variable to be optimized. Since we are going to optimize the initial velocity of a ball in 2D, the dimension is 2.

In more complex optimizations, where several types of parameters are optimized, the parameters can be a list of variables of different dimensions.


    "states": [
            "path": "barycenter.json"
            "path": "barycenter-target.json"

In states, we specify the path to the JSON files of simulations, they follow the same rules for the simulation JSON scripts. PolyFEM will create a number of simulators, one for each JSON file, whose parameters can be optimized. During the optimization, certain parameters in these configurations are optimized, but the optimized values will not overwrite the values in these JSON files. Each simulator gets an ID starting from 0, following the order in this list. The ID of simulators may be used in variable to simulation and functionals.

Here we have two simulators: The first one is the simulator being optimized, while the second one is a fixed simulation that generates a reference trajectory. These JSON files are only for initializing the simulators, so one can use the same path for multiple simulators if possible.

Variable to Simulation

    "variable_to_simulation": [
            "type": "initial",
            "state": 0,
            "composition": [{
                "type": "append-values",
                "values": [0, 0]
                "type": "per-body-to-per-node",
                "state": 0
                "type": "append-const",
                "value": 0,
                "size": 146,
                "start": 0

In variable to simulation, we specify how the optimization variables in parameters control the simulation configurations. Since different types of parameters in a number of simulations can be controlled at the same time, the variable to simulation is a list, where each entry specifies the control of one type of parameter, e.g. initial condition, in one simulation. The type specifies the type of parameter in the simulation, and state points to the ID of the simulation (according to the order in states).

The initial condition parameter has a dimension of 2 * dim * n_basis, where dim is the dimension of the simulation (2 or 3), n_basis is the number of finite element basis in the simulation, because it consists of the initial displacement and velocity at every basis node. This allows the user to specify the initial condition not only as a rigid body transformation, but also as an arbitrary deformation, e.g. stretching and shearing.

In this tutorial, we only optimize the initial velocity of the ball, so we need to build a mapping, which we call composition in the JSON script, from the variable of size 2 to the full initial condition parameter of size 2 * dim * n_basis. The composition is a list of some pre-defined mappings, which will apply to the optimization variables in order, and the final output of the mappings will be assigned to the initial condition parameter.

There are two objects with different volume IDs, specified in barycenter.json and barycenter-target.json, and we only want to control the initial velocity of the ball, with volume ID 1. First, in append-values we append two zeros to the optimization variable, which represents the zero initial velocity of the floor. Second, in per-body-to-per-node we map the per-volume values to per-node, whose output has the dimension of dim * n_basis. Finally, in append-const we append more zeros to the start of the vector, to account for the zero initial displacement. Please refer to the opt-input-spec.json for the documentation of compositions.


    "functionals": [
            "type": "transient_integral",
            "state": 0,
            "integral_type": "uniform",
                "type": "center-target",
                "state": 0,
                "target_state": 1,
                "volume_selection": [1]

The functionals specify the objective being minimized in the optimization. Please refer to objective-input-spec.json for the documentation of functionals.

Here we perform trajectory optimization on the ball, so the objective is the \(L^2\) difference between the two ball barycenters in the two simulations, integrated over time.

    "type": "center-target",
    "state": 0,
    "target_state": 1,
    "volume_selection": [1]

The center-target computes the \(L^2\) difference between the solutions in state and target_state, integrated over the space with volume selection ID 1. We assume that both simulators have the same number of basis and dimension on the same volume selection (number of basis on other volume selections can be different).

    "type": "transient_integral",
    "state": 0,
    "integral_type": "uniform",
    "static_objective": { ... }

The transient integral computes the integral over time of the static objective. The integral type and state specify the quadrature scheme and the simulator (the objective gets information like the number of time steps and dt from the simulator).


"output": {
    "log": {
        "level": 1

The output contains options regarding the logging of the optimization, here output/log/level specifies a log level of 1, corresponding to debugging, to log the energy and gradient during the optimization. The log level for simulations are specified in each state json, normally the simulation log level is set to info or warn so that we can focus more on the optimization logs.


    "solver": {
        "nonlinear": {
            "history_size": 2,
            "grad_norm": 1e-4

The solver contains options of the nonlinear solver for the optimization. Since our forward problem and inverse problem share the same nonlinear solver code, the options of the inverse problem are the same as in the forward problem. However, since we can’t compute the second order derivatives of the inverse problem, the Newton’s method is not available here. By default the solver is L-BFGS, a quasi-Newton method using a limited amount of memory.

Last update: 2024-02-19