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C++ Library


PolyFEM in C++ uses modern CMake and is cross-platform.


All the C++ dependencies required to build the code are automatically downloaded through CMake. We test PolyFEM on macOS, Linux, and Windows, and it should build out-of-the-box with CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4


Optionally, the formulas for higher-order bases can be computed at CMake time using a Python script. If you choose to do so, PolyFEM requires a working installation of Python and some additional packages to build correctly:

  • numpy and sympy (optional)
  • quadpy (optional)


The main executable, ./PolyFEM_bin, can as command-line interface. Simply run:

./PolyFEM_bin --help

More detailed documentation can be found in the tutorial.

Last update: 2023-10-03