Polyfem Python Tutorial¶
This is a jupyter notebook. The "real" notebook can be found here.
Polyfem relies on 3 main objects:
that contains the main settings such discretization order (e.g., $P_1$ or $P_2$), material parameters, formulation, etc.Problem
that describe the problem you want to solve, that is the boundary conditions and right-hand side. There are some predefined problems, such asDrivenCavity
, or generic problems, such asGenericTensor
that is the actual FEM solver.
The usage of specific problems is indented for benchmarking, in general you want to use the GenericTensor
for tensor-based PDEs (e.g., elasticity) or GenericScalar
for scalar PDEs (e.g., Poisson).
A typical use of Polyfem is:
settings = polyfempy.Settings(
pde=polyfempy.PDEs.LinearElasticity, # or any other PDE
# set necessary settings
# e.g. settings.discr_order = 2
problem = polyfempy.Problem() # or any other problem
# set problem related data
# e.g. problem.set_displacement(1, [0, 0], [True, False])
settings.problem = problem
#now we can create a solver and solve
solver = polyfempy.Solver()
solver.load_mesh_from_path(mesh_path, normalize_mesh=False)
Note 1: for legacy reasons Polyfem always normalizes the mesh (i.e., rescale it to lay in the $[0,1]^d$ box, you can use normalize_mesh=False
when loading to disable this feature.
Note 2: the solution $u(x)$ of a FEM solver are the coefficients $u_i$ you need to multiply the bases $\varphi_i(x)$ with: $$ u(x)=\sum u_i \varphi_i(x). $$ The coefficients $u_i$ are unrelated with the mesh vertices because of reordering of the nodes or high-order bases. For instance $P_2$ bases have additional nodes on the edges which do not exist in the mesh.
For this reason Polyfem uses a visualization mesh where the solution is sampled at the vertices. This mesh has two advantages:
- it solves the problem of nodes reordering and additional nodes in the same way
- it provides a "true" visualization for high order solution by densely sampling each element (a $P_2$ solution is a piecewise quadratic function which is visualized in a picewise linear fashion, thus the need of a dense element sampling).
To control the resolution of the visualization mesh use vismesh_rel_area
while loading.
Some imports for plotting
import meshplot as mp
import numpy as np
and finally polyfempy
import polyfempy as pf
Creates a quad mesh of n_pts
x n_pts
in the form of a regular grid
def create_quad_mesh(n_pts):
extend = np.linspace(0,1,n_pts)
x, y = np.meshgrid(extend, extend, sparse=False, indexing='xy')
pts = np.column_stack((x.ravel(), y.ravel()))
faces = np.ndarray([(n_pts-1)**2, 4],dtype=np.int32)
index = 0
for i in range(n_pts-1):
for j in range(n_pts-1):
faces[index, :] = np.array([
j + i * n_pts,
j+1 + i * n_pts,
j+1 + (i+1) * n_pts,
j + (i+1) * n_pts
index = index + 1
return pts, faces
Plate hole¶
This is the python version of the plate with hole example explained here.
Set the mesh path
mesh_path = "plane_hole.obj"
create settings:
- Pick linear $P_1$ elements (if the mesh would be a quad it would be $Q_1$)
- We are use a linear material model
settings = pf.Settings(
and choose Young's modulus and poisson ratio
settings.set_material_params("E", 210000)
settings.set_material_params("nu", 0.3)
Next we setup the problem
problem = pf.Problem()
sideset 1 has symetric boundary in $x$
sideset 4 has symmetric boundary in $y$
sideset 3 has a force of [100, 0] applied
problem.set_force(3, [100, 0])
fianally set the problem
settings.problem = problem
Solve! Note: we normalize the mesh to be in $[0,1]^2$
solver = pf.Solver()
solver.load_mesh_from_path(mesh_path, normalize_mesh=True)
Get the solution
pts, tets, disp = solver.get_sampled_solution()
diplace the mesh
vertices = pts + disp
and get the stresses
mises, _ = solver.get_sampled_mises_avg()
finally plot with the above code
mp.plot(vertices, tets, mises, return_plot=True)
Note that we used get_sampled_mises_avg
to get the Von Mises stresses because they depend on the Jacobian of the displacement which, becase we use $P_1$ elements, is piece-wise constant. To avoid that effect in get_sampled_mises_avg
the mises are averaged per vertex weighted by the area of the triangles. If you want the "real" mises just call
mises = solver.get_sampled_mises()
mp.plot(vertices, tets, mises, return_plot=True)
Plate hole with High-Order Mesh¶
This is the same example as before, but we use wildmeshing
to create a curved mesh.
import wildmeshing as wm
mesh_path = "plane_hole.svg"
v, f, nodes, F_nodes = wm.triangulate_svg(mesh_path, cut_outside=True)
Now we proceed as before
#create settings
settings = pf.Settings(
discr_order=1, #pick linear P_1 elements, even if the geometry is P_3
pde=pf.PDEs.LinearElasticity #Linear elasticity
#Material parameters
settings.set_material_params("E", 210000)
settings.set_material_params("nu", 0.3)
Next we setup the problem as before
problem = pf.Problem()
#sideset 1 is symmetric in x
#sideset 4 is symmetric in y
#sideset 3 has a force of [100, 0] applied
problem.set_force(3, [100, 0])
fianally set the problem
settings.problem = problem
Create the solver and load the high-order mesh, the only difference with respect to before
solver = pf.Solver()
solver.set_high_order_mesh(v, f, nodes, F_nodes, normalize_mesh=True)
And finally, solve!
Get and plot the solution, same as before
pts, tets, disp = solver.get_sampled_solution()
#diplace the mesh
vertices = pts + disp
#get the stresses
mises, _ = solver.get_sampled_mises_avg()
mp.plot(vertices, tets, mises, return_plot=True)
Non-linear example. We want to torque a 3D bar around the $z$ direction.
The example is really similar as the one just above.
Sets the mesh, create a solver, and load the mesh.
In this case the mesh has already the correct size. We also choose a coarse visualization mesh
mesh_path = "square_beam_h.HYBRID"
solver = pf.Solver()
solver.load_mesh_from_path(mesh_path, normalize_mesh=False, vismesh_rel_area=0.001)
We want to use the default sideset marking, top of the mesh is 5 and bottom is 6.
Let's verify. We first extract the sidesets: p
are some point, t
triangles, and s
the sidesets from 1 to 6
p, t, s = solver.get_boundary_sidesets()
Now we can plot it
tmp = np.zeros_like(s)
tmp[s==5] = 1
tmp[s==6] = 1
mp.plot(p, t, tmp, return_plot=True)
Now we create the settings, as before.
Note: It is an hex-mesh so we are using $Q_1$.
Differently from before we want a non-linear material model: NeoHookean.
To avoid ambiguities in the rotation, we want to do 5 steps of incremental loading.
settings = pf.Settings(
Choose Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, as before
settings.set_material_params("E", 200)
settings.set_material_params("nu", 0.35)
Now we setup problem with fixed sideset (5), rotating sideset (6), ahlf a tour along the $z$-axis.
problem = pf.Torsion(
fixed_boundary=5, #sideset 5 is fixed
turning_boundary=6, #sideset 6 rotates
n_turns = 0.5, #by half a tour
axis_coordiante=2, #around the z-axis, 2
and set the problem and solve
settings.problem = problem
takes approx 1 min because it is a complicated non-linear problem!
Get solution and stesses as before
Since we want to show only the surface there is no need of getting the whole volume, so we set boundary_only
to True
pts, tets, disp = solver.get_sampled_solution(boundary_only=True)
vertices = pts + disp
mises, _ = solver.get_sampled_mises_avg(boundary_only=True)
and plot the 3d result!
mp.plot(vertices, tets, mises, shading={"flat":True}, return_plot=True)
Fluid simulation¶
Create the mesh using the utility function
pts, faces = create_quad_mesh(50)
create settings, pick linear $Q_2$ elements for velocity and $Q_1$ for pressure and select stokes as material model.
settings = pf.Settings(
Set the viscosity of the fluid
settings.set_material_params("viscosity", 1)
The default solver do not support mixed formulation, we need to choose UmfPackLU
settings.set_advanced_option("solver_type", "Eigen::UmfPackLU")
We use the standard Driven Cavity problem
problem = pf.DrivenCavity()
we set the problem
settings.problem = problem
We create the solver and set the settings
solver = pf.Solver()
This time we are using pts and faces instead of loading from the disk
solver.set_mesh(pts, faces, vismesh_rel_area=0.001)
We now get the solution and the pressure
pts, tris, velocity = solver.get_sampled_solution()
and plot it!
each = 10
p = mp.plot(pts, tris, np.linalg.norm(velocity, axis=1), return_plot=True)
p.add_lines(pts[0:pts.shape[0]:each,:], pts[0:pts.shape[0]:each,:]+velocity[0:pts.shape[0]:each,:]/6)
Time dependent simulation¶
Create the mesh using the utility function
pts, faces = create_quad_mesh(50)
create settings, pick linear $Q_1$ elements, and a linear material model.
In this case we want to run a simulation with $t\in[0, 10]$ and have 50 time steps.
settings = pf.Settings(
Choose Young's modulus and poisson ratio
settings.set_material_params("E", 1)
settings.set_material_params("nu", 0.3)
Next we setup the problem, this doesnt have any parameters. It will...
problem = pf.Gravity()
we set the problem
settings.problem = problem
We create the solver and set the settings
solver = pf.Solver()
This time we are using pts
and faces
instead of loading from the disk (For efficienty in the browser we select a coarse vis mesh)
solver.set_mesh(pts, faces, vismesh_rel_area=0.001)
Get the solution and the mises
pts = solver.get_sampled_points_frames()
tris = solver.get_sampled_connectivity_frames()
disp = solver.get_sampled_solution_frames()
mises = solver.get_sampled_mises_avg_frames()
def plot(frame, p=None):
return mp.plot(pts[frame]+disp[frame], tris[frame], mises[frame], return_plot=True, plot=p)
Before the animation, let's plot the solution some frames
Now we are ready to do the animation
p = plot(0)
@mp.interact(frame=(0, len(mises)))
def step(frame=0):
plot(frame, p)