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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cpolyfem::refinement::APrioriClass for a priori refinement, see 'Decoupling .. ' paper for details
 Cpolyfem::assembler::AssemblerAbstract class
 Cpolyfem::assembler::AssemblyValsCacheCaches basis evaluation and geometric mapping at every element
 Cpolyfem::assembler::AssemblyValuesStores per local bases evaluations
 Cpolyfem::AutoDiffAllocator< T >
 Cpolyfem::AutoDiffAllocator< double >
 Cpolyfem::basis::BasisRepresents one basis function and its gradient
 Cpolyfem::mesh::Mesh::CellNodesClass to store the high-order cells nodes
 CDiffScalarBaseBase class of all automatic differentiation types
 Cpolyfem::mesh::WildRemesher< WMTKMesh >::EdgeAttributes
 Cpolyfem::mesh::Mesh::EdgeNodesClass to store the high-order edge nodes
 Cpolyfem::assembler::ElementAssemblyValuesStores per element basis values at given quadrature points and geometric mapping
 Cpolyfem::mesh::WildRemesher< WMTKMesh >::ElementAttributes
 Cpolyfem::basis::ElementBasesStores the basis functions for a given element in a mesh (facet in 2d, cell in 3d)
 Cpolyfem::utils::EqualUnorderedArray< T, N >
 Cpolyfem::io::OutGeometryData::ExportOptionsDifferent export flags
 Cpolyfem::mesh::Mesh::FaceNodesClass to store the high-order face nodes
 CJIXIE::GivensRotation< T >Class for givens rotation
 Cpolyfem::utils::HashUnorderedArray< T, N >Hash function for an array where the order does not matter
 Cpolyfem::time_integrator::ImplicitTimeIntegratorImplicit time integrator of a second order ODE (equivently a system of coupled first order ODEs)
 Cpolyfem::basis::Local2GlobalRepresents a virtual node of the FEM mesh as a weighted sum of real (unknown) nodes
 Cpolyfem::mesh::LocalBoundaryBoundary primitive IDs for a single element
 Cpolyfem::mesh::LocalMesh< M >
 Cpolyfem::mesh::LocalRelaxationData< M >
 Cpolyfem::utils::MatrixCacheAbstract class used for caching
 Cpolyfem::mesh::MeshAbstract mesh class to capture 2d/3d conforming and non-conforming meshes
 Cpolyfem::OptStateMain class that contains the polyfem adjoint solver and all its state
 Cpolyfem::io::OutGeometryDataUtilies related to export of geometry
 Cpolyfem::io::OutRuntimeDataStores all runtime data
 Cpolyfem::io::OutStatsDataAll stats from polyfem
 Cpolyfem::IntegrableFunctional::ParameterTypeParameters for the functional evaluation
 Cpolyfem::solver::ParametrizationThis parameterize a function f : x -> y and provides the chain rule with respect to previous gradients
 CJIXIE::INTERNAL::ScalarTypeHelper< T, Enable >
 CJIXIE::INTERNAL::ScalarTypeHelper< T, enable_if_t< is_arithmetic< T >::value > >
 Cpolyfem::io::SolutionFrameClass used to save the solution of time dependent problems in code instead of saving it to the disc
 Cpolyfem::solver::SolveDataClass to store time stepping data
 Cpolyfem::StateMain class that contains the polyfem solver and all its state
 Cpolyfem::solver::VariableToSimulationMaps the optimization variable to the state variable
 Cpolyfem::solver::VariableToSimulationGroupA collection of VariableToSimulation
 Cpolyfem::mesh::WildRemesher< WMTKMesh >::VertexAttributes