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Linear Solver

PolyFEM offers several linear solver options based on compilation options. For more information, see PolySolve a stand-alone linear solver wrapper library used by PolyFEM.

Options: AMGCL, Eigen::BiCGSTAB, Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT, Eigen::ConjugateGradient, Eigen::DGMRES, Eigen::GMRES, Eigen::LeastSquaresConjugateGradient, Eigen::MINRES, Eigen::PardisoLDLT, Eigen::PardisoLU, Eigen::SimplicialLDLT, Eigen::SparseLU, Eigen::UmfPackLU, Hypre, Pardiso

Nonlinear Solver

To solve nonlinear formulations, PolyFEM offers two options: Newton’s method (newton) and L-BFGS (lbfgs).

The settings for the solver are stored inside the field "nonlinear". General settings include:

  • "grad_norm" (default: 1e-8): convergence tolerance on the norm (L2) of the gradient
  • "nl_iterations" (default: 1000): maximum number of iterations to spend solving
  • "use_grad_norm" (default: true): whether to use the gradient norm or update direction norm for convergence checks
    • When optimizing a function it is natural to check for a zero (up to tolerance) gradient as this signifies an extremum. However, we also implement the convergence criteria used by Li et al. [2020]. Where instead of the gradient’s norm the update direction’s L-norm is used. This provides two benefits: (1) it expresses the convergence criteria in the units of the variable (e.g., distance for elasticity) which (2) avoids applying small updates that lead to a marginal change in the variables. Note: this criterion has been well tested for nonlinear elasticity, but your mileage may vary for other formulations.

Newton’s Method

A (projected) Newton’s method with line search.


A quasi-Newton method, L-BFGS requires more iterations than the full Newton’s method but avoids expensive linear solves.

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited-memory_BFGS
Acknowledgments: The L-BFGS solver is implemented using the LBFGS++ library.


Describe line-search and its purpose.



Describe this method and its parameters.



Describe this method and its parameters.

Armijo (alt)


Describe this method and its parameters.



Describe this method and its parameters.

Last update: 2023-10-03