No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#include "ElasticForm.hpp"
13using namespace polyfem::assembler;
14using namespace polyfem::utils;
15using namespace polyfem::quadrature;
17namespace polyfem::solver
19 namespace
20 {
21 class LocalThreadVecStorage
22 {
23 public:
24 Eigen::MatrixXd vec;
28 LocalThreadVecStorage(const int size)
29 {
30 vec.resize(size, 1);
31 vec.setZero();
32 }
33 };
35 Eigen::MatrixXd refined_nodes(const int dim, const int i)
36 {
37 Eigen::MatrixXd A(dim + 1, dim);
38 if (dim == 2)
39 {
40 A << 0., 0.,
41 1., 0.,
42 0., 1.;
43 switch (i)
44 {
45 case 0:
46 break;
47 case 1:
48 A.col(0).array() += 1;
49 break;
50 case 2:
51 A.col(1).array() += 1;
52 break;
53 case 3:
54 A.array() -= 1;
55 A *= -1;
56 break;
57 default:
58 throw std::runtime_error("Invalid node index");
59 }
60 }
61 else
62 {
63 A << 0, 0, 0,
64 1, 0, 0,
65 0, 1, 0,
66 0, 0, 1;
67 switch (i)
68 {
69 case 0:
70 break;
71 case 1:
72 A.col(0).array() += 1;
73 break;
74 case 2:
75 A.col(1).array() += 1;
76 break;
77 case 3:
78 A.col(2).array() += 1;
79 break;
80 case 4:
81 {
82 Eigen::VectorXd tmp = 1 - A.col(1).array() - A.col(2).array();
83 A.col(2) += A.col(0) + A.col(1);
84 A.col(0) = tmp;
85 break;
86 }
87 case 5:
88 {
89 Eigen::VectorXd tmp = 1. - A.col(1).array();
90 A.col(2) += A.col(1);
91 A.col(1) += A.col(0);
92 A.col(0) = tmp;
93 break;
94 }
95 case 6:
96 {
97 Eigen::VectorXd tmp = A.col(0) + A.col(1);
98 A.col(1) = 1. - A.col(0).array();
99 A.col(0) = tmp;
100 break;
101 }
102 case 7:
103 {
104 Eigen::VectorXd tmp = 1. - A.col(0).array() - A.col(1).array();
105 A.col(1) += A.col(2);
106 A.col(2) = tmp;
107 break;
108 }
109 default:
110 throw std::runtime_error("Invalid node index");
111 }
112 }
113 return A / 2;
114 }
120 std::tuple<Eigen::MatrixXd, std::vector<int>> extract_subelement(const Eigen::MatrixXd &pts, const Tree &tree)
121 {
122 if (!tree.has_children())
123 return {pts, std::vector<int>{0}};
125 const int dim = pts.cols();
126 Eigen::MatrixXd out;
127 std::vector<int> levels;
128 for (int i = 0; i < tree.n_children(); i++)
129 {
130 Eigen::MatrixXd uv;
131 uv.setZero(dim+1, dim+1);
132 uv.rightCols(dim) = refined_nodes(dim, i);
133 if (dim == 2)
134 uv.col(0) = 1. - uv.col(2).array() - uv.col(1).array();
135 else
136 uv.col(0) = 1. - uv.col(3).array() - uv.col(1).array() - uv.col(2).array();
138 Eigen::MatrixXd pts_ = uv * pts;
140 auto [tmp, L] = extract_subelement(pts_, tree.child(i));
141 if (out.size() == 0)
142 out = tmp;
143 else
144 {
145 out.conservativeResize(out.rows() + tmp.rows(), Eigen::NoChange);
146 out.bottomRows(tmp.rows()) = tmp;
147 }
148 for (int &i : L)
149 ++i;
150 levels.insert(levels.end(), L.begin(), L.end());
151 }
152 return {out, levels};
153 }
155 quadrature::Quadrature refine_quadrature(const Tree &tree, const int dim, const int order)
156 {
157 Eigen::MatrixXd pts(dim + 1, dim);
158 if (dim == 2)
159 pts << 0., 0.,
160 1., 0.,
161 0., 1.;
162 else
163 pts << 0, 0, 0,
164 1, 0, 0,
165 0, 1, 0,
166 0, 0, 1;
167 auto [quad_points, levels] = extract_subelement(pts, tree);
169 Quadrature tmp, quad;
170 if (dim == 2)
171 {
172 TriQuadrature tri_quadrature(true);
173 tri_quadrature.get_quadrature(order, tmp);
174 tmp.points.conservativeResize(tmp.points.rows(), dim + 1);
175 tmp.points.col(dim) = 1. - tmp.points.col(0).array() - tmp.points.col(1).array();
176 }
177 else
178 {
179 TetQuadrature tet_quadrature(true);
180 tet_quadrature.get_quadrature(order, tmp);
181 tmp.points.conservativeResize(tmp.points.rows(), dim + 1);
182 tmp.points.col(dim) = 1. - tmp.points.col(0).array() - tmp.points.col(1).array() - tmp.points.col(2).array();
183 }
185 quad.points.resize(tmp.size() * levels.size(), dim);
186 quad.weights.resize(tmp.size() * levels.size());
188 for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++)
189 {
190 quad.points.middleRows(i * tmp.size(), tmp.size()) = tmp.points * quad_points.middleRows(i * (dim + 1), dim + 1);
191 quad.weights.segment(i * tmp.size(), tmp.size()) = tmp.weights / pow(2, dim * levels[i]);
192 }
193 assert (fabs(quad.weights.sum() - tmp.weights.sum()) < 1e-8);
195 return quad;
196 }
198 // Eigen::MatrixXd evaluate_jacobian(const basis::ElementBases &bs, const basis::ElementBases &gbs, const Eigen::MatrixXd &uv, const Eigen::VectorXd &disp)
199 // {
200 // assembler::ElementAssemblyValues vals;
201 // vals.compute(0, uv.cols() == 3, uv, bs, gbs);
203 // Eigen::MatrixXd out(uv.rows(), 2);
204 // for (long p = 0; p < uv.rows(); ++p)
205 // {
206 // Eigen::MatrixXd disp_grad;
207 // disp_grad.setZero(uv.cols(), uv.cols());
209 // for (std::size_t j = 0; j < vals.basis_values.size(); ++j)
210 // {
211 // const auto &loc_val = vals.basis_values[j];
213 // for (int d = 0; d < uv.cols(); ++d)
214 // {
215 // for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < loc_val.global.size(); ++ii)
216 // {
217 // disp_grad.row(d) += loc_val.global[ii].val * loc_val.grad.row(p) * disp(loc_val.global[ii].index * uv.cols() + d);
218 // }
219 // }
220 // }
222 // disp_grad = disp_grad * vals.jac_it[p] + Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(uv.cols(), uv.cols());
223 // out.row(p) << disp_grad.determinant(), disp_grad.determinant() / vals.jac_it[p].determinant();
224 // }
225 // return out;
226 // }
228 void update_quadrature(const int invalidID, const int dim, Tree &tree, const int quad_order, basis::ElementBases &bs, const basis::ElementBases &gbs, assembler::AssemblyValsCache &ass_vals_cache)
229 {
230 // update quadrature to capture the point with negative jacobian
231 const Quadrature quad = refine_quadrature(tree, dim, quad_order);
233 // capture the flipped point by refining the quadrature
234 bs.set_quadrature([quad](Quadrature &quad_) {
235 quad_ = quad;
236 });
237 logger().debug("New number of quadrature points: {}, level: {}", quad.size(), tree.depth());
239 if (ass_vals_cache.is_initialized())
240 ass_vals_cache.update(invalidID, dim == 3, bs, gbs);
241 }
242 } // namespace
244 ElasticForm::ElasticForm(const int n_bases,
245 std::vector<basis::ElementBases> &bases,
246 const std::vector<basis::ElementBases> &geom_bases,
247 const assembler::Assembler &assembler,
248 assembler::AssemblyValsCache &ass_vals_cache,
249 const double t, const double dt,
250 const bool is_volume,
251 const double jacobian_threshold,
252 const ElementInversionCheck check_inversion)
253 : n_bases_(n_bases),
254 bases_(bases),
255 geom_bases_(geom_bases),
256 assembler_(assembler),
257 ass_vals_cache_(ass_vals_cache),
258 t_(t),
259 jacobian_threshold_(jacobian_threshold),
260 check_inversion_(check_inversion),
261 dt_(dt),
262 is_volume_(is_volume)
263 {
264 if (assembler_.is_linear())
265 compute_cached_stiffness();
266 // mat_cache_ = std::make_unique<utils::DenseMatrixCache>();
267 mat_cache_ = std::make_unique<utils::SparseMatrixCache>();
268 quadrature_hierarchy_.resize(bases_.size());
270 quadrature_order_ = AssemblerUtils::quadrature_order(assembler_.name(), bases_[0].bases[0].order(), AssemblerUtils::BasisType::SIMPLEX_LAGRANGE, is_volume_ ? 3 : 2);
272 if (check_inversion_ != ElementInversionCheck::Discrete)
273 {
274 Eigen::VectorXd x0;
275 x0.setZero(n_bases_ * (is_volume_ ? 3 : 2));
276 if (!is_step_collision_free(x0, x0))
277 log_and_throw_error("Initial state has inverted elements!");
279 int basis_order = 0;
280 int gbasis_order = 0;
281 for (int e = 0; e < bases_.size(); e++)
282 {
283 if (basis_order == 0)
284 basis_order = bases_[e].bases.front().order();
285 else if (basis_order != bases_[e].bases.front().order())
286 log_and_throw_error("Non-uniform basis order not supported for conservative Jacobian check!!");
287 if (gbasis_order == 0)
288 gbasis_order = geom_bases_[e].bases.front().order();
289 else if (gbasis_order != geom_bases_[e].bases.front().order())
290 log_and_throw_error("Non-uniform gbasis order not supported for conservative Jacobian check!!");
291 }
292 }
293 }
295 double ElasticForm::value_unweighted(const Eigen::VectorXd &x) const
296 {
297 return assembler_.assemble_energy(
298 is_volume_,
299 bases_, geom_bases_, ass_vals_cache_, t_, dt_, x, x_prev_);
300 }
302 Eigen::VectorXd ElasticForm::value_per_element_unweighted(const Eigen::VectorXd &x) const
303 {
304 const Eigen::VectorXd out = assembler_.assemble_energy_per_element(
305 is_volume_, bases_, geom_bases_, ass_vals_cache_, t_, dt_, x, x_prev_);
306 assert(abs(out.sum() - value_unweighted(x)) < std::max(1e-10 * out.sum(), 1e-10));
307 return out;
308 }
310 void ElasticForm::first_derivative_unweighted(const Eigen::VectorXd &x, Eigen::VectorXd &gradv) const
311 {
312 Eigen::MatrixXd grad;
313 assembler_.assemble_gradient(is_volume_, n_bases_, bases_, geom_bases_,
314 ass_vals_cache_, t_, dt_, x, x_prev_, grad);
315 gradv = grad;
316 }
318 void ElasticForm::second_derivative_unweighted(const Eigen::VectorXd &x, StiffnessMatrix &hessian) const
319 {
320 POLYFEM_SCOPED_TIMER("elastic hessian");
322 hessian.resize(x.size(), x.size());
324 if (assembler_.is_linear())
325 {
326 assert(cached_stiffness_.rows() == x.size() && cached_stiffness_.cols() == x.size());
327 hessian = cached_stiffness_;
328 }
329 else
330 {
331 // NOTE: mat_cache_ is marked as mutable so we can modify it here
332 assembler_.assemble_hessian(
333 is_volume_, n_bases_, project_to_psd_, bases_,
334 geom_bases_, ass_vals_cache_, t_, dt_, x, x_prev_, *mat_cache_, hessian);
335 }
336 }
338 void ElasticForm::finish()
339 {
340 for (auto &t : quadrature_hierarchy_)
341 t = Tree();
342 }
344 double ElasticForm::max_step_size(const Eigen::VectorXd &x0, const Eigen::VectorXd &x1) const
345 {
346 if (check_inversion_ == ElementInversionCheck::Discrete)
347 return 1.;
349 const int dim = is_volume_ ? 3 : 2;
350 double step, invalidStep;
351 int invalidID;
353 Tree subdivision_tree;
354 {
355 double transient_check_time = 0;
356 {
357 POLYFEM_SCOPED_TIMER("Transient Jacobian Check", transient_check_time);
358 std::tie(step, invalidID, invalidStep, subdivision_tree) = max_time_step(dim, bases_, geom_bases_, x0, x1);
359 }
361 logger().log(step == 0 ? spdlog::level::warn : (step == 1. ? spdlog::level::trace : spdlog::level::debug),
362 "Jacobian max step size: {} at element {}, invalid step size: {}, tree depth {}, runtime {} sec", step, invalidID, invalidStep, subdivision_tree.depth(), transient_check_time);
363 }
365 if (invalidID >= 0 && step <= 0.5)
366 {
367 auto& bs = bases_[invalidID];
368 auto& gbs = geom_bases_[invalidID];
369 if (quadrature_hierarchy_[invalidID].merge(subdivision_tree)) // if the tree is refined
370 update_quadrature(invalidID, dim, quadrature_hierarchy_[invalidID], quadrature_order_, bs, gbs, ass_vals_cache_);
372 // verify that new quadrature points don't make x0 invalid
373 // {
374 // Quadrature quad;
375 // bs.compute_quadrature(quad);
376 // const Eigen::MatrixXd jacs0 = evaluate_jacobian(bs, gbs, quad.points, x0);
377 // const Eigen::MatrixXd jacs1 = evaluate_jacobian(bs, gbs, quad.points, x0 + (x1 - x0) * step);
378 // const Eigen::VectorXd min_jac0 = jacs0.colwise().minCoeff();
379 // const Eigen::VectorXd min_jac1 = jacs1.colwise().minCoeff();
380 // logger().debug("Min jacobian on quadrature points: before step {}, {}; after step {}, {}", min_jac0(0), min_jac0(1), min_jac1(0), min_jac1(1));
381 // }
382 }
384 return step;
385 }
387 bool ElasticForm::is_step_collision_free(const Eigen::VectorXd &x0, const Eigen::VectorXd &x1) const
388 {
389 if (check_inversion_ == ElementInversionCheck::Discrete)
390 return true;
392 const auto [isvalid, id, tree] = is_valid(is_volume_ ? 3 : 2, bases_, geom_bases_, x1);
393 return isvalid;
394 }
396 bool ElasticForm::is_step_valid(const Eigen::VectorXd &x0, const Eigen::VectorXd &x1) const
397 {
398 // check inversion on quadrature points
399 Eigen::VectorXd grad;
400 first_derivative(x1, grad);
401 if (grad.array().isNaN().any())
402 return false;
404 return true;
406 // Check the scalar field in the output does not contain NANs.
407 // WARNING: Does not work because the energy is not evaluated at the same quadrature points.
408 // This causes small step lengths in the LS.
409 // TVector x1_full;
410 // reduced_to_full(x1, x1_full);
411 // return state_.check_scalar_value(x1_full, true, false);
412 // return true;
413 }
415 void ElasticForm::solution_changed(const Eigen::VectorXd &new_x)
416 {
417 }
419 void ElasticForm::compute_cached_stiffness()
420 {
421 if (assembler_.is_linear() && cached_stiffness_.size() == 0)
422 {
423 assembler_.assemble(is_volume_, n_bases_, bases_, geom_bases_,
424 ass_vals_cache_, t_, cached_stiffness_);
425 }
426 }
428 void ElasticForm::force_material_derivative(const double t, const Eigen::MatrixXd &x, const Eigen::MatrixXd &x_prev, const Eigen::MatrixXd &adjoint, Eigen::VectorXd &term)
429 {
430 const int dim = is_volume_ ? 3 : 2;
432 const int n_elements = int(bases_.size());
434 if (assembler_.name() == "ViscousDamping")
435 {
436 term.setZero(2);
438 auto storage = utils::create_thread_storage(LocalThreadVecStorage(term.size()));
440 utils::maybe_parallel_for(n_elements, [&](int start, int end, int thread_id) {
441 LocalThreadVecStorage &local_storage = utils::get_local_thread_storage(storage, thread_id);
443 for (int e = start; e < end; ++e)
444 {
445 assembler::ElementAssemblyValues &vals = local_storage.vals;
446 ass_vals_cache_.compute(e, is_volume_, bases_[e], geom_bases_[e], vals);
448 const quadrature::Quadrature &quadrature = vals.quadrature;
449 local_storage.da = vals.det.array() * quadrature.weights.array();
451 Eigen::MatrixXd u, grad_u, prev_u, prev_grad_u, p, grad_p;
452 io::Evaluator::interpolate_at_local_vals(e, dim, dim, vals, x, u, grad_u);
453 io::Evaluator::interpolate_at_local_vals(e, dim, dim, vals, x_prev, prev_u, prev_grad_u);
454 io::Evaluator::interpolate_at_local_vals(e, dim, dim, vals, adjoint, p, grad_p);
456 for (int q = 0; q < local_storage.da.size(); ++q)
457 {
458 Eigen::MatrixXd grad_p_i, grad_u_i, prev_grad_u_i;
459 vector2matrix(grad_p.row(q), grad_p_i);
460 vector2matrix(grad_u.row(q), grad_u_i);
461 vector2matrix(prev_grad_u.row(q), prev_grad_u_i);
463 Eigen::MatrixXd f_prime_dpsi, f_prime_dphi;
464 assembler::ViscousDamping::compute_dstress_dpsi_dphi(OptAssemblerData(t, dt_, e, quadrature.points.row(q), vals.val.row(q), grad_u_i), prev_grad_u_i, f_prime_dpsi, f_prime_dphi);
466 // This needs to be a sum over material parameter basis.
467 local_storage.vec(0) += -matrix_inner_product<double>(f_prime_dpsi, grad_p_i) * local_storage.da(q);
468 local_storage.vec(1) += -matrix_inner_product<double>(f_prime_dphi, grad_p_i) * local_storage.da(q);
469 }
470 }
471 });
473 for (const LocalThreadVecStorage &local_storage : storage)
474 term += local_storage.vec;
475 }
476 else
477 {
478 term.setZero(n_elements * 2, 1);
480 auto storage = utils::create_thread_storage(LocalThreadVecStorage(term.size()));
482 utils::maybe_parallel_for(n_elements, [&](int start, int end, int thread_id) {
483 LocalThreadVecStorage &local_storage = utils::get_local_thread_storage(storage, thread_id);
485 for (int e = start; e < end; ++e)
486 {
487 assembler::ElementAssemblyValues &vals = local_storage.vals;
488 ass_vals_cache_.compute(e, is_volume_, bases_[e], geom_bases_[e], vals);
490 const quadrature::Quadrature &quadrature = vals.quadrature;
491 local_storage.da = vals.det.array() * quadrature.weights.array();
493 Eigen::MatrixXd u, grad_u, p, grad_p;
494 io::Evaluator::interpolate_at_local_vals(e, dim, dim, vals, x, u, grad_u);
495 io::Evaluator::interpolate_at_local_vals(e, dim, dim, vals, adjoint, p, grad_p);
497 for (int q = 0; q < local_storage.da.size(); ++q)
498 {
499 Eigen::MatrixXd grad_p_i, grad_u_i;
500 vector2matrix(grad_p.row(q), grad_p_i);
501 vector2matrix(grad_u.row(q), grad_u_i);
503 Eigen::MatrixXd f_prime_dmu, f_prime_dlambda;
504 assembler_.compute_dstress_dmu_dlambda(OptAssemblerData(t, dt_, e, quadrature.points.row(q), vals.val.row(q), grad_u_i), f_prime_dmu, f_prime_dlambda);
506 // This needs to be a sum over material parameter basis.
507 local_storage.vec(e + n_elements) += -matrix_inner_product<double>(f_prime_dmu, grad_p_i) * local_storage.da(q);
508 local_storage.vec(e) += -matrix_inner_product<double>(f_prime_dlambda, grad_p_i) * local_storage.da(q);
509 }
510 }
511 });
513 for (const LocalThreadVecStorage &local_storage : storage)
514 term += local_storage.vec;
515 }
516 }
518 void ElasticForm::force_shape_derivative(const double t, const int n_verts, const Eigen::MatrixXd &x, const Eigen::MatrixXd &x_prev, const Eigen::MatrixXd &adjoint, Eigen::VectorXd &term)
519 {
520 const int dim = is_volume_ ? 3 : 2;
521 const int actual_dim = (assembler_.name() == "Laplacian") ? 1 : dim;
523 const int n_elements = int(bases_.size());
524 term.setZero(n_verts * dim, 1);
526 auto storage = utils::create_thread_storage(LocalThreadVecStorage(term.size()));
528 if (assembler_.name() == "ViscousDamping")
529 {
530 utils::maybe_parallel_for(n_elements, [&](int start, int end, int thread_id) {
531 LocalThreadVecStorage &local_storage = utils::get_local_thread_storage(storage, thread_id);
533 for (int e = start; e < end; ++e)
534 {
535 assembler::ElementAssemblyValues &vals = local_storage.vals;
536 ass_vals_cache_.compute(e, is_volume_, bases_[e], geom_bases_[e], vals);
538 gvals.compute(e, is_volume_, vals.quadrature.points, geom_bases_[e], geom_bases_[e]);
540 const quadrature::Quadrature &quadrature = vals.quadrature;
541 local_storage.da = vals.det.array() * quadrature.weights.array();
543 Eigen::MatrixXd u, grad_u, prev_u, prev_grad_u, p, grad_p;
544 io::Evaluator::interpolate_at_local_vals(e, dim, dim, vals, x, u, grad_u);
545 io::Evaluator::interpolate_at_local_vals(e, dim, dim, vals, x_prev, prev_u, prev_grad_u);
546 io::Evaluator::interpolate_at_local_vals(e, dim, dim, vals, adjoint, p, grad_p);
548 Eigen::MatrixXd grad_u_i, grad_p_i, prev_grad_u_i;
549 Eigen::MatrixXd grad_v_i;
550 Eigen::MatrixXd stress_tensor, f_prime_gradu_gradv;
551 Eigen::MatrixXd f_prev_prime_prev_gradu_gradv;
553 for (int q = 0; q < local_storage.da.size(); ++q)
554 {
555 vector2matrix(grad_u.row(q), grad_u_i);
556 vector2matrix(grad_p.row(q), grad_p_i);
557 vector2matrix(prev_grad_u.row(q), prev_grad_u_i);
559 for (auto &v : gvals.basis_values)
560 {
561 Eigen::MatrixXd stress_grad, stress_prev_grad;
562 assembler_.compute_stress_grad(OptAssemblerData(t, dt_, e, quadrature.points.row(q), vals.val.row(q), grad_u_i), prev_grad_u_i, stress_tensor, stress_grad);
563 assembler_.compute_stress_prev_grad(OptAssemblerData(t, dt_, e, quadrature.points.row(q), vals.val.row(q), grad_u_i), prev_grad_u_i, stress_prev_grad);
564 for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
565 {
566 grad_v_i.setZero(dim, dim);
567 grad_v_i.row(d) = v.grad_t_m.row(q);
569 f_prime_gradu_gradv.setZero(dim, dim);
570 Eigen::MatrixXd tmp = grad_u_i * grad_v_i;
571 for (int i = 0; i < f_prime_gradu_gradv.rows(); i++)
572 for (int j = 0; j < f_prime_gradu_gradv.cols(); j++)
573 for (int k = 0; k < tmp.rows(); k++)
574 for (int l = 0; l < tmp.cols(); l++)
575 f_prime_gradu_gradv(i, j) += stress_grad(i * dim + j, k * dim + l) * tmp(k, l);
577 f_prev_prime_prev_gradu_gradv.setZero(dim, dim);
578 tmp = prev_grad_u_i * grad_v_i;
579 for (int i = 0; i < f_prev_prime_prev_gradu_gradv.rows(); i++)
580 for (int j = 0; j < f_prev_prime_prev_gradu_gradv.cols(); j++)
581 for (int k = 0; k < tmp.rows(); k++)
582 for (int l = 0; l < tmp.cols(); l++)
583 f_prev_prime_prev_gradu_gradv(i, j) += stress_prev_grad(i * dim + j, k * dim + l) * tmp(k, l);
585 tmp = grad_v_i - grad_v_i.trace() * Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(dim, dim);
586 local_storage.vec(v.global[0].index * dim + d) -= matrix_inner_product<double>(f_prime_gradu_gradv + f_prev_prime_prev_gradu_gradv + stress_tensor * tmp.transpose(), grad_p_i) * local_storage.da(q);
587 }
588 }
589 }
590 }
591 });
592 }
593 else
594 {
595 utils::maybe_parallel_for(n_elements, [&](int start, int end, int thread_id) {
596 LocalThreadVecStorage &local_storage = utils::get_local_thread_storage(storage, thread_id);
598 for (int e = start; e < end; ++e)
599 {
600 assembler::ElementAssemblyValues &vals = local_storage.vals;
601 ass_vals_cache_.compute(e, is_volume_, bases_[e], geom_bases_[e], vals);
603 gvals.compute(e, is_volume_, vals.quadrature.points, geom_bases_[e], geom_bases_[e]);
605 const quadrature::Quadrature &quadrature = vals.quadrature;
606 local_storage.da = vals.det.array() * quadrature.weights.array();
608 Eigen::MatrixXd u, grad_u, p, grad_p; //, stiffnesses;
609 io::Evaluator::interpolate_at_local_vals(e, dim, actual_dim, vals, x, u, grad_u);
610 io::Evaluator::interpolate_at_local_vals(e, dim, actual_dim, vals, adjoint, p, grad_p);
611 // assembler_.compute_stiffness_value(formulation_, vals, quadrature.points, x, stiffnesses);
613 for (int q = 0; q < local_storage.da.size(); ++q)
614 {
615 Eigen::MatrixXd grad_u_i, grad_p_i, stiffness_i;
616 if (actual_dim == 1)
617 {
618 grad_u_i = grad_u.row(q);
619 grad_p_i = grad_p.row(q);
620 }
621 else
622 {
623 vector2matrix(grad_u.row(q), grad_u_i);
624 vector2matrix(grad_p.row(q), grad_p_i);
625 }
627 // stiffness_i = utils::unflatten(stiffnesses.row(q).transpose(), actual_dim * dim);
629 for (auto &v : gvals.basis_values)
630 {
631 for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
632 {
633 Eigen::MatrixXd grad_v_i;
634 grad_v_i.setZero(dim, dim);
635 grad_v_i.row(d) = v.grad_t_m.row(q);
637 Eigen::MatrixXd stress_tensor, f_prime_gradu_gradv;
638 assembler_.compute_stress_grad_multiply_mat(OptAssemblerData(t, dt_, e, quadrature.points.row(q), vals.val.row(q), grad_u_i), grad_u_i * grad_v_i, stress_tensor, f_prime_gradu_gradv);
639 // f_prime_gradu_gradv = utils::unflatten(stiffness_i * utils::flatten(grad_u_i * grad_v_i), dim);
641 Eigen::MatrixXd tmp = grad_v_i - grad_v_i.trace() * Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(dim, dim);
642 local_storage.vec(v.global[0].index * dim + d) -= matrix_inner_product<double>(f_prime_gradu_gradv + stress_tensor * tmp.transpose(), grad_p_i) * local_storage.da(q);
643 }
644 }
645 }
646 }
647 });
648 }
650 for (const LocalThreadVecStorage &local_storage : storage)
651 term += local_storage.vec;
652 }
653} // namespace polyfem::solver
Eigen::MatrixXd vec
Definition Assembler.cpp:72
QuadratureVector da
Definition Assembler.cpp:23
ElementAssemblyValues vals
Definition Assembler.cpp:22
assembler::ElementAssemblyValues gvals
Definition BodyForm.cpp:25
Eigen::MatrixXd vec
assembler::ElementAssemblyValues vals
Quadrature quadrature
int x
Definition Timer.hpp:10
static int quadrature_order(const std::string &assembler, const int basis_degree, const BasisType &b_type, const int dim)
utility for retrieving the needed quadrature order to precisely integrate the given form on the given...
Caches basis evaluation and geometric mapping at every element.
void update(const int el_index, const bool is_volume, const basis::ElementBases &basis, const basis::ElementBases &gbasis)
stores per element basis values at given quadrature points and geometric mapping
void compute(const int el_index, const bool is_volume, const Eigen::MatrixXd &pts, const basis::ElementBases &basis, const basis::ElementBases &gbasis)
computes the per element values at the local (ref el) points (pts) sets basis_values,...
Stores the basis functions for a given element in a mesh (facet in 2d, cell in 3d).
void set_quadrature(const QuadratureFunction &fun)
int depth() const
Definition Jacobian.hpp:61
int n_children() const
Definition Jacobian.hpp:60
bool has_children() const
Definition Jacobian.hpp:59
Tree & child(int i)
Definition Jacobian.hpp:77
list tmp
Definition p_bases.py:339
Used for test only.
std::tuple< bool, int, Tree > is_valid(const int dim, const std::vector< basis::ElementBases > &bases, const std::vector< basis::ElementBases > &gbases, const Eigen::VectorXd &u, const double threshold)
Definition Jacobian.cpp:241
void vector2matrix(const Eigen::VectorXd &vec, Eigen::MatrixXd &mat)
std::tuple< double, int, double, Tree > max_time_step(const int dim, const std::vector< basis::ElementBases > &bases, const std::vector< basis::ElementBases > &gbases, const Eigen::VectorXd &u1, const Eigen::VectorXd &u2, double precision)
Definition Jacobian.cpp:345
spdlog::logger & logger()
Retrieves the current logger.
Definition Logger.cpp:42
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, 0, MAX_QUAD_POINTS, 1 > QuadratureVector
Definition Types.hpp:17
void log_and_throw_error(const std::string &msg)
Definition Logger.cpp:71
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double, Eigen::ColMajor > StiffnessMatrix
Definition Types.hpp:22